Appointments will be conducted through secure telehealth software.
Please check with me at least 48 hours in advance if you are unsure how to attend your appointment. Note that appointment reminders DO NOT include telehealth links.
Recommendations for video appointments
Select a time for your appointment in which you will not be disturbed. Communicate to others in the home that you will be in an appointment that requires privacy. In this time of living in close quarters, that may mean asking your housemate(s) to wear headphones if it is challenging to get adequate space.
Turn off other devices, quit other programs, and silence alerts so that you and your provider are not disturbed during your appointment. Consider removing pets from the room if they are likely to create a distraction.
Place the camera so that the face and upper torso are clearly visible.
Choose a space that is private, adequately lit, and comfortable, but not too comfortable (e.g. lying in bed)
It is best to use a computer for your visit but a phone can be used in a pinch. Make sure that either device is on a stable surface to reduce movement.
Close other programs. If you have several programs running in the background, closing them will almost certainly improve the quality.